Thanks to Juniper for helping tickle puppies and hold for holding them while I took pictures.
Pretty soon they will be big enough to stack for “real” pictures.

Ace, although maybe he should have been “Bubba”
Bogie, so cute and . . . umm . . . fuzzy

“Clem”. Who’s lady like? She is the vocal one of the family so far.
Eagle is growing. Slowly.
Feather. Who’s my favorite? (Shhhh . . . don’t tell.)
Golda, stand like a show girl.
Heather was the first out of the box this morning . . . at 4 a.m. So now they are in the bigger box.

Oops, just got one picture of Ikey. He’s up to 1 lb 4.5 ounces today.
Jiggers is quite photogenic, so it’s too bad the pictures aren’t clearer. Next time for sure.