With just a touch more work on the ears . . . we’re almost there.
When Molly arrived home from the show, she was quite amazed. She sat in Tom’s lap . . . no, make that she wriggled in Tom’s lap . . . as if excitedly shouting “I WON! I WON! The other puppies are all gone and I’M STILL HERE!!”
Since then however, she has discovered the down side. The only ones to play with are the Old Dogs and Nikki. The young boys are big and klutzy and I worry about certain of them (Digger) squishing a puppy without meaning to.
“Everybody chew on the puppy.”
I’m planning to take Molly to the office sometimes in the next couple of weeks. There are no puppies there either, but at least it will be a change of scenery.
Chase has been going to the office with Penni regularly. Here’s a picture of him hard at work from Thursday.
And look: he’s not even chewing on all of those wires.