Maggie (C-Myste Sweet Dreams) and her owner Lani upheld the family honor this year. We were watching the performance results and saw how well they were doing.
In Lani’s words:
Maggie received her 8th & 9th RAE legs in grand style. Over the course of the 2 days, she earned scores of 100, 99, 99, 99 and won all 4 of her classes!
Maggie also had 3 great agility runs and one Q – earning her another blue ribbon. I love agility at the National Specialty. It makes me realize that my dog is not the ONLY one who has trouble keeping bars up. The photographer joked with me that she began to think that one jump in the 1st Excellent JWW course was meant to be knocked down… I did see some FANTASTIC runs, though!
Denzil got to spectate this time. In the picture, he isn’t squinting for the camera – the taking of the picture woke him up! The first day of Agility I pulled Denzil out of his crate to snuggle and he fell asleep. This was a win for me, as it was a cold day and he kept me warm…
I had the 2 dogs signed up for the Brace obedience class, which would have been great fun, but the class overlapped w/ Agility and, since it was my vacation, I decided not to stress myself (or Maggie) and run back & forth.
As in the past, all of us (humans and dogs) had a great time at the Specialty. Maybe next year in Kansas??