Amanda Glinzak saw Alvin’s updated picture so sent me an update on Toby, C-Myste Nighttimemagic. Amanda says ” I still can’t believe it’s been 7 years since we got him, but he has turned into a wonderful dog for our entire family: incredibly loving, loyal, and a complete goofball.” That description would pretty well fit Elvis too, wouldn’t it.
“Toby likes to camp out in the car while I unpack on trips back from college. ”
“Toby waits every night for permission to jum on the bed, though the other night he got tangled up in my gym bag while waiting and I couldn’t resist taking a picture.”

And this girl was here just this weekend. It’s “Beaky”, er Stormy in all else a Kacy clone. She was the original “Fancy”. These pictures were at 8 weeks of age, taken in July of 2001.