The Hank x Nikki puppies came for another visit from Thursday evening until yesterday evening. I did stack them up on the table to go over them and render my opinion, but the only pictures I took were candid ones Friday morning before work. Above they are sharing breakfast. Yes, they are kibble-fed (sigh). Not. My. Fault.
Barb and Cheri have been calling the little girl “Lena”. Here she says “What’s that?!” to the scooper.
The two boys are as yet unnamed except for “big boy” (the one with sparkley toes) and “little boy.”
Lena says “Get this itchy collar off of me.”
The bigger boy has the most outgoing temperament (“lap puppy”) and is probably the pick structurally of the three.
Like most bitchletts, Lena has a mind of her own.
The smaller boy is the foxiest of the three and in-between in temperament.
At least a couple of the puppies will be looking for homes soon. Contact Barb at for more information.