From Vicki B:
“I had an epiphany last week – they come far and few between, let me tell you. Dancer is still able to walk, although he is having more difficulty getting that rear leg to go along with the rest of the group. He needs some guidance, so…….I hitched him up to our borrowed cart using his own harness and some new webbing. No saddle sling. It seems to help him a lot to have something to corral his rear-end. When he splats, it is not so wide and it is easier for him to get up. Having the frame as a brace helps that rear leg get in motion more quickly, too.
“DanDan wore his cart quite a bit today and finally figured out how to lie down in it – he’s not too happy he can’t roll over on his back with all fours splayed wherever they wish, but it works.
“For better or worse, here is DanDan’s movie debut – all 25 seconds of it.”