Phi-Vestavia Kallel
Update from Jenny:
Both Klark and Buzz are doing well.
Klark is definitely slowing down a lot – the heat was hard on him even though we kept him cloistered with the AC, walked him only in the early early morning and late at night in the grass (and hosed off the postage-stamp sized brick patio we have, during the day, to cool it down when he/Buzz wanted to pee). Thankfully all survived. He still plays/is interested in everything, but the slow-down is there. It is hard to watch this part of our lovely dog’s life. He is on-again, off-again with Rimadyl needs. I think he is either beginning to lose his hearing, or getting VERY selective about what he hears. ; ) For instance, he will ignore my “come” and yet will hear the tiniest crinkle of a wrapper in the kitchen. : )
He needs to lose 3-4 pounds – while he has a waist (a la Ruben) his barrel has filled out, a lot like an old man’s. We still feed hund-n-flocken (I keep meaning to ask you for your homemade dog food recipes!), and his treats are limited to carrots and green beans. He barks at 4 a.m. to demand to come up on the bed with us, pretty funny – he is a learned old man! He’s taught us well.
Buzz is doing great and is still very much Bill’s dog. I’ve been trying to teach him to fetch a tennis ball – he retrieves it about 20% of the time, and chases it with vigor 100% of the time. Mostly he prefers to snuggle with Bill in front of the telly at night.