As the number of canine residents has dwindled from a dozen – to eight – to six – and now to four, their outdoor space requirements have also decreased. Add to that our developing paranoia about rock- and bark-eating, and it was time to revise the dog yard yet again.
We had three 7′ x 21′ runs full of bark with the walk in front and a gravel area at the end. We removed the kennels, and the entire dog area will now be under cover. It will be completed well before the rainy season starts. We left one smaller kennel at the end for visitors or for separating Huxley from any girl who might be in heat. Unless they are not separated on purpose, that is. There is another gate before the gravel area which serves two purposes: an “air lock” to make it easier to get in and out without escapees, and for a potty-area for canine visitors. I was outside with a shovel by 6:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, and got in several hours each day before going to work a little late. The area that is still dirt will be covered in pavers and the row of older pavers that don’t match will also be replaced.
We plan to add a roll-down shade to protect the yard from the late-afternoon sun. And being all under cover, a certain puppy will remain safe from the pair of redtail hawks who live across the road.