Amid the revelry of last weekend we received some sad news from Vicki B. I wanted to dredge up this picture before posting.

Dancer was the happiest, most active puppy in our Juneau/Julie litter 12 years ago.
From Vicki:
I drew a line in the sand. We crossed it today and I can barely breathe, let alone talk. Dancer was euthanized this afternoon at 4:45. His DM not only was affecting his breathing, but was beginning to affect his ability to eat/swallow/breathe – something I hadn’t noticed, but Dr. Rosen did. She could also tell his body was having some trouble oxygenating his blood.
I promised him I would take care of him and not let him suffer. Today I kept that promise, as difficult as it was. I just wanted to scoop him up and run away, but I couldn’t; I’d made that promise.
Farwell, my beloved DanDan; heart of my heart. Run free and tell the angels you have arrived.
A broken-hearted Vicki and
C-Myste’s Fancy Dancer, April 1, 1998 – October 1, 2010
I am sorry that Vicki and that Julie Bell had to go through this with Dancer and with Fearna respectively. While I cannot promise never to produce a puppy with a health problem again, this is one disease that we can ensure against.