It seems to me that people are always writing looking for blue girls. They don’t know how difficult that model has been for us to make. We breed blue and black occasionally and tend to get all black puppies, or one blue girl who is a fluf,f or one blue girl with a red head and no coat. Wally and Hannah One produced pretty boys of many colors, three black girls, and one clear red girl. It wasn’t until Wally and Hannah Two that we had two blue girls to choose from. That’s two out of a total of nineteen puppies!
But in our first litter ever, Smoky x Julie back in 1996 we had not one, not two, but four blue girls.
With the passing of Dru (C-Myste Celtic Druid) shortly after her 15th birthday, all are now gone.
Dru’s “mom” Marion sent some pictures from long-ago days with permission to share.

Tess was CH C-Myste Thistle and Shamrock, who is in many pedigrees today due to her single litter by Phi-Vestavia Kallel. I sometimes regretted placing her rather than breeding her again, but she was the only Cardigan we have ever owned who could actually climb trees as well as fences.
Wendy was CH C-Myste Gwendolyn of KT, placed after she finished and not bred due to dog-aggression issues. On the other hand sisters Dru and my own Kacy were two of the sweetest dogs ever put on the earth.

Dru was bred for one litter to Duncan, CH C-Myste Nobody’s Fool. That would be the litter with six black puppies. Kristine’s Riley is from that litter, along with Ellie and Kathy’s Spirit, and Baha, dam to Traci’s Dakota.
Thank you Marion, for the walk down Memory Lane.