We were supposed to show at 12:50 today. 12:50 came, 12:50 went, and there wasn’t even a steward at the ring to give out armbands. Not an auspicious start. She finally arrived with the judge and hurriedly passed out the numbers for the first classes, then continued while the judge started with dogs more than 10 minutes late. The rest of the time felt . . . not quite together or cohesive. And it was “one of those” days. The judge didn’t like anything our team had to show her.
I tried to get pictures of some of the girls and specials today. I’ll see if I can get even more tomorrow, but I won’t be able to post early as I will be driving home after the show.
Hiro on the table again. Today he lost to cute little Ranger.
Debbie Berry and her girl, Winners Bitch yesterday.
Terry Devine
Megan and Summer in Bred By Exhibitor
Mark and his Bred-by girl.
Summer on the table.
Marble in open bitch.
Karis, who was Winners Bitch today from the open class.
Open bitch class
Marilyn Van Vleit’s girl, Winners Bitch on Thursday
Winners Bitch class
Best of Breed goes into the ring (and this wasn’t even all of the specials).
Remy from Alaska
Our Pie. Yes, he saw me but Dixie said it was ok.
Wizard on the table.
He was Select Dog today.
Kelly and Dixie discussing things while the boys wait.
Jason and his special Liam.
Bobbin attempting to eat Kim’s hand.
Another shot from Best of Breed.
Emily Fish’s girl Secret.
Final Results
- Best of Breed – GCH Aubrey’s Tails of Mystery (Libby)
- Best of Winners – Coedwig’s Tylwyth Graceful Enchantment (Karis)
- Best of Opposite Sex – GCH Mariel’s Harvest Moon (Harvey)
- Select Dog – CH Shadowalk Wizzard Esquire (Wizard)
- Select Bitch – CH Aurigan Dunes Celestine Blue (Belle)
- Winners Dog – Coedwig’s the Masked Man (Ranger)