We won’t talk about the deluge (at least it’s not snow or freezing rain!) and the fact that we made it to the expo 15 minutes before ring time . . . But I dropped Catherine and Hiro off at unloading, parked, was really glad that I had boots on, and made it in with several minutes still to spare.
Hiro and Catherine in open dog.
On the table.
And with Angie and Ranger in Winners. That Ranger is a pretty dang cute dog, too.
Final lineup.
- Best of Breed – GCH Aubrey’s Tails of Mystery (Libby)
- Best of Winners – C-Myste Baledwr SN I Get Around (Hiro)
- Best of Opposite Sex – GCH Mariel’s Harvest Moon (Harvey)
- Select Dog – GCH C-Myste Baledwr Free to Disagree (Pilot)
- Select Bitch – GCH Coedwig’s the Quiltmaker (Bobbin)
Hiro now stands at 10 points with both majors.