With quite a bit of puppy play added in. Fortunately, the weather turned out not to be as bad as predicted, so we were able to go outside. We won’t talk about the table legs sinking into the mud. Or how silly it was that poor Flyer had a bath before coming to grandma’s.
The twins: Heading out to see what havoc they can wreak.
Yeah, you thought it looked like fun when Crescent was doing it. But when we put the strings on your necks it was different, wasn’t it.
The Dora-Bull. And her twin brother:
Flyer. “I’m not looking at you!”
“Watcha got?”
It’s time for Dora to start learning to be a show girl. Thanks to Missy for helping with the pictures.
Pretty girl. She is definitely Alice. Flyer seems more Hannah.
“You want expression and ears? I’ll give you expression and ears.”
That was just exhausting.
“They aren’t all that cute, you know.”