Introducing Neville, AKA Nev, the Nevilator, and I-NEV-itable, and sometimes Neville the Devil.
Baledwr Never Say Never @ C-Myste
Neville is a deep red, born May 29, 2024
Salem – Nouvelle the Good Witch SS
AKA Peanut, Peanut Butter, The Skinny German Bitch
Our Star

Gone but never forgotten . . .
Julie – CH Spyrock Coal Miner’s Daughter NAC CGC ROMs
Kacy – CH C-Myste Shepherd’s Moon
Alice – CH Mariel Reese’s Alice Springs CGC ROMs
Dora – C-Myste Baledwr Time Enough for Love
Phoebe – CH Windshyre’s Stormy Weather ROMb
Hannah – CH C-Myste Baledwr Kumalie ROMb